The Hey Kahla Podcast

We're going for it!!

Kahla Evans Season 1 Episode 10
Audio Player
00:00 | 17:53

Hey there + welcome to The Hey Kahla Podcast!! 

This one's for YOU if you’ve ever felt like “who the heck am I to do this…”

If you’re thinking “who wants to listen to me…”

If you’re wondering “am I even good enough to do this…”

If you have this idea or project that you really want to start or put out into the world - something that’s been on your mind forever, that you can’t stop thinking about or dreaming about - but you haven’t done anything about it yet - because you don’t feel “qualified” to talk about it or do it.

Then you need to hit PLAY right now, cause if you’re holding yourself back – you’re gonna miss out on all your dreams.

And that's an even shittier feeling...

You don’t have to wait around for someone to deem you worthy or give you permission to do what you want to do - you can just go for it.

And if you need a bit of a pep talk - you can get it here.

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